Manhattan Special, Espresso Coffee Soda, Diet/Decafe 32 fl oz

Sale price$7.99


Manhattan Special, Espresso Coffee Soda, Diet/Decaffeinated 32 fl oz

Take a little pride and a little loving care, that's what has been going into the production of Manhattan Special since 1895.

As the original and award-winning Pure Espresso Coffee Soda, we have satisfied loyal consumers with our family's secret recipe for over 100 years.

Our unique blend of the world's finest coffee beans (which are hand brewed to perfection), along with the use of pure cane sugar, has allowed us to create a truly delicious coffee experience!

For the discerning palate, we offer a diet version, made with NutraSweet, for those who want to sacrifice the calories, savor the flavor.

Net: 32 fl oz, Glass Bottle

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